Unsuitable Girl

The next novel









The next novel? It’s finished and being worked on in a final edit for sentence length, abstract nouns, (too many) and looking at character drawing. The  title Hold Fast to Dreams comes from a poem by James Langston Hughes an American poet, novelist, playwright and social activist, 1901-1967. I thought it was apt because Pravin and Amy in the novel had to ‘hold fast’ to their seemingly impossible dream of being together in the racially divided world of the twentieth century.

The book spans half a century, from the early 1960s to almost the present day, from Scotland to Uganda, Canada and England through all the isolation of being a mixed race couple, tolerated but not accepted. 

The prevailing atmosphere has changed though pockets of racial prejudice still existed encouraged by the UK’s lurch to the right. Again in the actual world, in Jeannie and Pratap's world 2023, it has become acceptable to voice racist opinions, under the guise of the ‘Stop the Boats’ campaign, as it did under the cloak  of Brexit. However by keeping away from the news, life as a mixed race couple has changed much for the better, compared how it was back in the 60s , 70s, 80s and 90s!


Updated 12/2/24


Hold Fast to Dreams has been submitted for consideration to seven literary agents, one of whom has declined. I've also submitted it to Bookcouture, a publisher who takes submissions directly from writers.  I will continue to keep sending submissions  as it takes only one yes! Onwards! Also I'm working I am further edits.


17 May 2024

Have been absent from the book for some weeks due to a virus which was very persistent and has only just begun to fade...I'm going to go the  digital route; easier in a way but challenging too in different ways. I hope with the help of Jericho Writers, Hold fast to Dreams may get to an audience. 































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